We’re here to protect your journey in life and in business

– today and for what’s next.


On-the-Job Protection Takes TLC

For many businesses, Workers’ Compensation insurance represents a significant business expense. Our goal at Rodrian Insurance is to not only provide you with a Workers’ Comp insurance program but also to help improve your on-the-job safety, return-to-work timeframes and drive down costs.

We Get to Know Your Business Inside & Out

We’ll perform a walk-through at your operation or offices and meet with personnel to determine what activities are performed by each group of employees. This helps us assist you in properly classifying your employees which is a factor in determining your Work Comp premium. We’ll also review your current policy, experience modification (the benchmark used to compare your loss history against like companies in your industry) and payroll to pinpoint any problem areas or miscalculations that could impact your premium.

Our staff will also connect you to safety and loss-control programs along with your claims management process.

In Wisconsin, a great way to save money is with a competitive dividend program, which returns a percentage of your Workers’ Comp premium after the policy expires. There are many types of flat (fixed) and variable (claims sensitive) dividends available. If you think your business is “too small” to have a dividend, you might be surprised!
